Emotion Code with Liz
I am an energy healer. Throughout and through my life, I have followed and studied alternative therapies (aromatherapy, reflexology and reiki). While I acknowledge the place of modern medicine in our healing journey (I am a former radiographer), I have always believed in finding holistic remedies as the first option in helping the body to heal itself.
I qualified as an Emotion Code practitioner in 2018, and it has been a personal transformative experience and witnessing the shifts and releases experienced by my clients. I am constantly in awe of how quickly the body is able to realign and heal itself once emotional blocks have been released.
The body is made of pure energy. The negative energy of Trapped Emotions can exert a damaging force on the body, which usually worsens over time. Trapped Emotions cause pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and disease. Emotion Code is a non-invasive, totally safe technique and requires very little time and effort on your part. No dredging up the past is required, making it cost-effective compared to other types of therapy. Emotion Code is the simplest way to get rid of your emotional baggage, helping you feel freer, happier and healthier!
I genuinely believe we all have the right to live a life filled with joy, abundance and laughter. While life will certainly still have its ups and downs, by clearing the baggage, you will be able to navigate these with ease and find yourself able to return to a space of calm more quickly and easily.